Am I coming out as a Tory?

I like telly - it's been the subject of previous blogs. I particularly like sci-fi/fantasy style TV shows in the ilk of BSG, Lost, Harper's Island etc etc. I also have no objection to TV programmes showing the seedier side of life and people making the beast with two backs.
So it seemed only natural to get into True Blood - a series about vampires starring the extremely attractive young lady who played Rogue in the X-Men.

But when I watch it I feel a curious sensation. Is this just too seedy for me?
There is a huge quantity of nooky - most of it rough - but that's ok.
But then there's the misogyny. Women seem to be little more than objects. Not objects of desire even, or even a mark on the bedpost, just something to do - literally most of the time.
I am watching it with unease and sense of moral outrage and it hits me. I am old. I have two children and it has changed my view on life completely.
That the women gain some vengeance by the end and assert their independence meant little to me - I was on a moral crusade by the end.
I am worried I might be coming a Conservative (yes that's right - with a capital C)Worst feeling ever.

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